General Information
Thank you for considering Vietnam Veterans of America as the
recipient of your donation.
We’re helping the veterans who are coming home wounded or
disabled get the medical care they need. We’re also assisting
Gulf War, Afghan War, and Iraq War veterans with benefits
counseling and other essential services to help them rebuild
their lives after wartime service.
And we’re making sure that VA healthcare and other benefits
aren’t the victims of short-sighted budget cuts that forget the
service of our new veterans, and neglect the sacrifices they
continue to make even after they come home.
We no longer schedule donation pick-ups through this
location. You may continue to support our local Vietnam Veterans
chapter by contacting our national donation pick-up center to
schedule a pick-up. They can be reached at 1-800-459-VETS(8387)
Also we will no longer be accepting drop-off donations at our
thrift store.
